You might have attended weddings more times than you can count, each of varying degrees of perfection. But none of those times will ever be as meaningful as when it is your daughter or son who is walking down the aisle. Make your child's wedding day one he or she can cherish forever by being flawless in your roles as parents of the wedding couple. It is tradition that once the couple has announced their engagement to their respective families, the groom’s mother calls the bride’s family to express their delight in the happy news and to arrange a get-together of families. These days, it matters not who makes the first call, but it is still gracious for the bride’s family to wait a few days after the announcement and allow the groom’s family the opportunity to honor tradition. If parents are not physically available within the first few days of an engagement announcement, a surrogate parent (like a stepfather or legal guardian, etc.) can fulfill the call. The important thing is ...